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What you need to consider to choose the golf push cart.

Hey there in this article we will show you what you need to consider to choose the golf pushcart. Once you have read it, you can see this article about top golf push carts reviews. Consider the Weight: It is important to also make sure the golf cart is not too heavy for you to pick up and place in your car or store on wall in your garage. Carts range in weight depending on the material and the accessories added to the frame.  I’ve include Weights (without Accessories) in the comparison table below. Stability: 3 wheels a push cart are much less likely to tip over on uneven terrain, especially while the cart is in motion. With a 2 wheel pull cart, one slight move in either direction can send your cart, bag, and clubs crashing to the ground, sometimes causing damage to your equipment.  You’re looking for a low center of gravity.   All of the three wheel carts listed below have very good stability. Golf Cart Accessories: Accessories are much more pr...

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Golf Carts Types

Golf Push cart Journal